Sunday, January 23, 2011

Explain the Perfomance Tuning.

  • It is the Improved throughput in OLTP System or decrease response time in datawarehouse(DWH). It s like that how fast we get output of a query/transaction/page/form from one to another.
  • Tuning can be applied at
    Query level /Object level / Database level /Application level / System level
  • Tuning is mainly responsible for   
    Database designer, Database developer, Database administrator(DBA), Application developer, etc.

How to send email from 10g Oracle Database (UTL_MAIL)?

To enable mailing from database using below steps.
1. sqlplus ‘/ as sysdba’
2. @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utlmail.sql
3. @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/prvtmail.plb
4. Set smtp_server information in init.ora or spfile.ora

alter system set smtp_out_server = ‘SMTP_SERVER_IP_ADDRESS:SMTP_PORT’ scope=both;

Use default SMTP Port as 25.
If database instance had been started with spfile

alter system set smtp_out_server = ’′ scope=both;

If database instance had been started with pfile

alter system set smtp_out_server = ’′;

Also make below entry in your initSID.ora 
smtp_out_server = ’′

To enable other DB users to use this functionality, grant execute permission on UTL_MAIL package.

grant execute on utl_mail to USERS;

Now,database configuration finished.
To send email, use below code in your procedure/package,

exec utl_mail.send((sender => ‘’, recipients => ‘’, subject => ‘Testing UTL_MAIL Option’, message => ‘TESTMAIL USING  UTL_MAIL PACKAGE.’);
Check the inbox of the email id, to verify the email received or not.