Sunday, March 8, 2015

What are major difference between Traditional Import-Export and Datapump Import-Export?

Traditional EXP/IMP both are separately executing.
Data Pump EXPDP and IMPDP are executed as DATAPUMP jobs. DB server processes access db files and db objects to perform EXP/IMP on respective directory objects of DB. This enforces a security model for DBAs.
Single data stream execution of  Traditional IMP/EXP.
EXPDP/IMPDP can take advantages of server’s parallel process to read or write multiple data streams simultaneously.
EXP/IMP not have very interactive command line mode.
EXPDP/IMPDP have very powerful interactive command line mode, allows user to monitor and control the process.
EXP/IMP cannot have disconnect and reconnect feature. Once started it need to be finish.
DATAPUMP jobs entirely running on server hence we can disconnect, detach and reconnect like, PAUSE and RESUME.
No data transfer between two databases in EXP/IMP.
DATAPUMP has ability to pass data between two databases over a database link, without creating a dump file on disk.
EXP/IMP uses sequential path access method.
DATAPUMP uses Direct Path access method.
EXP/IMP operates on single file.
DATAPUMP operates on group of files.
EXP/IMP can access files of server and client.
DATAPUMP exports/imports files using database directories.
Traditional EXP/IMP supports sequential media like tape drive and others.
DATAPUMP not supports on export/import from/to on Sequential media like tape drives.
EXP/IMP uses Byte by Byte mode.
DUMP Files can be Compressed, Encrypted and uses BLOCK by BLOCK mode.
EXP/IMP not supports for XML Schemas and XML Type data.
DATAPUMP Can support XML schemas and XML Type data.
EXP/IMP works with all oracle versions.
DATAPUMP works with oracle 10g or later versions.