Oracle 9i has the following new features:
- Direct XML database support.
- Oracle Data Guard and enhancements.
- New data sharing and replication features.
- Compresses keys in tables when loading data.
- Security Improvements.
- Manage system table spaces locally.
- Automated DBA.
Oracle 10g has following new features:
- New drop database and alter database begin backup syntax.
- Oracle 10g Data Guard Broker and RAC to support Redo Log Transport.
- SQL apply feature and regular expression support.
- Supports HTML database.
- Recycle bin for storing objects and new purge command.
- SYSAUX table space and rename table space command.
- Automated Storage Management (ASM).
- Automatic Workload Repository (AWR).
- Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM)
- PLS_INTEGER, a new data type was added which enhances performance. ANYDATA data type was introduced to hold a data of variant feature.